"Thank you for empowering our youth to have a passion for learning and working! See you next year!"
-SPS Summer of Work & Learning
"Keep up the good work! I have seen great improvements, I wish the program was offered for the entire summer, this is an excellent program."
-Marcia's Little Rascals Daycare
Reasons why becoming an Employer benefits your company:
Cost affective for the company
Beneficial to have a youth fill in when a staff member leaves on vacation or leave of absence
Give back to the community and get your business name recognized
Gain more time to concentrate on major job duties, instead of just the "busy work"
There are two programs in which you can choose from to get involved with. Contact us today for more detailed information.
YouthWorks Employment Program- Local youth 14-21 years old apply to be a part of a great learning experience. The program offers a Signaling Success Workshop in which youth learn about the skills required to become a succesful employee. Following the workshop, youth are provided with a short term work experience of six or nine weeks at a work place related to their career interests.
Natasha Muriel
Program Coordinator
WIA Youth HiSET Program - Youth part of the Youth HiSet Program, who are 16-21 year old studying for their HiSet Credential, are offered a short term work experience of six weeks related to their career interests.
Yarlene Sanchez
Career Coach Specialist
Employer Forms:
Please see the link below and become familiar with our youth evaluations database or paper copy.
Complete our Request for Youth Form today and reserve your spot to become a NEFWC Worksite!
Request for Youth:
NEFWC YouthWorks Employment Program
Request for Youth:
HiSET Program
Top NEFWC Youth Employers:
ARise for Social Justice
Baystate Medical Center
Boys & Girls Club
Children's Creative Center
First Generation Performance Project
Gardening the Community
Gasoline Alley
Habitat for Humanity
Latino Chamber of Commerce
Marshall's Inc.
MA Coalition Against Discrimination
Office of Housing
Project Coach
Regional Employment Board
Salvation Army
South End Community Center
Springfield City Hall
Springfield Housing Authority
Springfield Transit Authority
St. Luke's Home
Tech Foundry